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Don’t fall for TCS leadership’s scare tactics! Instead, let’s demand they develop a clear, responsible plan before raising your taxes.


This 22% property tax
increase is one of the largest in Alabama’s history!

Tax assessments on property are more frequent, resulting in historically high valuations. Due to increased appraised values, property taxes have nearly doubled in the last ten years.

You will pay hundreds of dollars more in property taxes. TCS leadership wants you to take on this financial burden during record inflation. This will crush our senior citizens and others living on a fixed income.

51% Growth

The city of Tuscaloosa’s growth has increased TCS's revenues. Over the past ten years, the TCS budget revenue has grown by 51%. Despite this increased revenue and receiving over $40 million in COVID funds, they are still asking for more of your hard-earned dollars.

$17.25 Million

TCS claims that the new $17.25 million in yearly tax revenue will fund programs that are already funded through the City of Tuscaloosa. In 2019, the City of Tuscaloosa approved Elevate Tuscaloosa, a 1% sales tax increase that provides nearly $8 million in funding for pre-K, dual enrollment, summer learning classes, and athletics. Additionally, the City of Tuscaloosa provides nearly $3 million in funding for art teachers, music teachers, and resource officers.

False Disruption

TCS leaders claim that services will be disrupted if your taxes are not raised, but in April, the TCS’s Chief Financial Officer told ABC 33/40 that when the COVID funds expired, "I think it's a smooth transition. I think that as far as the teachers, the students, the public, and the parents, I don't think you'll see any interruption in services as we have planned since four years ago, making sure that's a smooth transition."



This tax will hurt struggling residential renters and small business owners occupying commercial space.

If this tax passes, consumers could be negatively impacted by residential and commercial rents continuing to rise.

If your home is valued at $350,000, then you will pay $400 in annual property taxes.

Housing values have skyrocketed in Tuscaloosa, and if this tax increase passes, you will pay significantly more in property taxes each year.

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